It is an easy to use streaming media utility for broadcasters and viewers alike. Built by a streaming services company, by streaming specialist engineers for the streaming industry. This streaming test service measures the end users Quality of Streaming Experience. It helps solve buffer rage and answers the frequently asked question "is it me or them?" We create test results that are of value to all stakeholders in the streaming process:
StreamTest.net has specifically designed and built a highly powerful and unique steaming test platform that consists of a measuring application and a test results program. Once diagnostic platform has been activated it measures the end user's streaming experience by accessing and sampling hundreds of relevant test perimeters and data points that make up a single user's streaming experience while the end user is actually streaming.
Equally important to this process is the Results program. Once the seconds long test has been completed all the data gathered is calculated and rendered into an organized and relevant fashion suitable for the many stakeholders that exist within the streaming media ecosystem. The key, from our position, is to create test results that when read are meaningful, provide both information and direction, even presenting solutions where applicable.
Streamtest Diagnostic information are rendered in two results pages:
And unique to the industry! Streamtest displays this information on one URL that can be shared with all streaming stakeholders. It never changes.
Option 1: Auto Integration
Option 2: Simple Single-Integration
Option 3: Custom Integration
Option 4: Direct Player integration
Option 5: StreamTest Lite
Customize your player badge so users can test your stream.
Get StartedQuality of experience score | 24/7 support |
CRM integration (Zendesk) | Live test mode |
Monthly report | Custom metrics |
Alerting system | Grey out display fields |
Real-Time chat integration | Control which data is collected |